Shinra's trousers generally are rolled up to just below his knees so he is able to use his ability without burning them. Due to his Ignition Ability, he tends to walk barefooted or with sandals as they can easily be disposed of. His outfits contain patches with "8" on them, signifying his affiliation to Special Fire Force Company 8. When not on a mission, Shinra is commonly seen wearing an orange coverall and white t-shirt underneath. Parts of his outfit are coated with blue lines.

Shinra's bunker gear trousers were specifically tailored by Maki Oze, so that they only reach below his knees instead of his feet, being advantageous so that he can freely use his Ignition Ability without having to worry about burning through his clothing. The buttons of his protective jacket are in the shape of cross-like symbols. Those are later topped by a protective outer jacket, trousers, a neck protector, protective gloves and a helmet with the number 8 on it, signifying his brigade. He was later presented with bunker gear, which consists of a dark t-shirt buckled at the waist with a belt, dark offshore trousers that have light patches on the front leg and pelvis area, which are strapped over his shoulders. He also wore dark shoes which he burnt through via his Ignition Ability and was noted to have done multiple times. When he was introduced, Shinra wore a dark jacket with a button on his collar shaped like a cross-like insignia over a light shirt, dark trousers and a belt. His eyes are also noteworthy as his pupils are white instead of black. Shinra is a teenager of average height, with a slim muscular build with short and spiky black hair, crimson eyes, and especially sharp teeth.

5.12 Operation Nether Investigation arc.Devil's Footprints (悪魔の足跡, Akuma no Ashiato)